Uninstall Sophos Endpoint App Mac Os X

Sophos Enterprise Console is a single, automated console that manages and updates Sophos security software on computers running Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and UNIX operating systems, and in virtual environments with VMware vShield.

  1. Uninstall Sophos On A Mac
  2. Uninstall Sophos Endpoint App Mac Os X 10.10
  3. Sophos Uninstall Script
  4. Uninstall Sophos Endpoint App Mac Os X 10 13 Download

Sophos Enterprise Console enables you to do the following:

Uninstall sophos endpoint app mac os x 10 13 download

See full list on community.sophos.com. Overview Generally, the removal program that comes with Sophos should be used to uninstall it. For instructions, take a look at Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac: How to uninstall. Having tried the regular uninstaller or if you deleted built-in removal program, this article provides a standalone tool to remove the installed Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac.

  • Protect your network against malware, risky file types and websites, and malicious network traffic, as well as adware and other potentially unwanted applications.
  • Control which websites users can browse to, further protecting the network against malware, and preventing users from browsing to inappropriate websites.
  • Control which applications can run on the network.
  • Manage client firewall protection on endpoint computers.
  • Assess computers for missing patches.
  • Reduce accidental data loss, such as unintentional transfer of sensitive data, from endpoint computers.
  • Prevent users from using unauthorized external storage devices and wireless connection technologies on endpoint computers.
  • Prevent users from re-configuring, disabling, or uninstalling Sophos security software.
Note Some of the features above are not included with all licenses. If you want to use them, you might need to change your license.

Uninstall Sophos On A Mac

By Tasnia Salinas, on February 02, 2020, in Mac Uninstaller

How to get started?

In this article, we help you to learn How To Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection from your Mac by using our dedicated Mac App Uninstaller software - Omni Remover. Make sure you have downloaded the latest version here before continuing.

What is Symantec Endpoint Protection: Symantec Endpoint Protection, developed by Symantec, is a security software suite, which consists of anti-malware, intrusion prevention and firewall features for server and desktop computers, like Windows PC and Mac. In the latest release, Symantec Endpoint Protection can block data transfers to unauthorized device types, such as USB flash drives or Bluetooth devices.

In early 2012, source code for Symantec Endpoint Protection was stolen and published online, which leaves vulnerabilities for hackers and other online attacks. If you find no use in this protection suite, then you can follow this article to learn how to completely uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection on your Mac (Learn How To Uninstall MacKeeper 2020).

Part 1: Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection on Mac Manually

Uninstall Sophos Endpoint App Mac Os X 10.10

Removing Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) on Mac is an easy process. However, because of the complexity of the SEP suite, there are several uninstalling methods that can be used for product removal. The recommended way is by using Symantec Endpoint Protection in-built uninstaller program. Here are the detailed steps (Learn How To Uninstall SoundFlower Mac).

Uninstall Sophos Endpoint App Mac Os X
  • Step 1: On the Mac computer, open the Symantec Endpoint Protection client, and then click Symantec Endpoint Protection in menu > Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection.
  • Step 2: Click Uninstall again to begin the uninstallation. After that, these are still Symantec Endpoint Protection related file system indexing engines, Mac protection settings, and other 'Hidden' components. To get rid of all these Symantec Endpoint Protection leftovers, you need to move further: Open Finder > in Menu, click Go > enter ~/Library/.
  • Step 3: You may see a large amount of system file folders here. Now locate the Symantec Endpoint Protection leftover files by digging into each folder. They are possibly stored in the following folders: Application Support | Caches | Containers | Frameworks | Logs | Preferences | Saved | Application State | WebKit
  • Step 4: Drag the files associated with Symantec Endpoint Protection to Trash > Empty Trash and restart your Mac to finish the uninstallation of Symantec Endpoint Protection.

Part 2: Completely Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection on Mac

Have no patience to remove Symantec Endpoint Protection on your Mac by digging junk files in folders and folders? You can use Omni Remover to handle with all these trivial procedures. As one of the most advanced and efficient Symantec Endpoint Protection Uninstaller app on macOS, Omni Remover makes it super easy to get rid of Symantec Endpoint Protection completely. Here are the detailed steps (Learn How To Uninstall Spotify Mac).

  1. Step 1:

    Click here to download Omni Remover (Ready for macOS Mojave) > Install and Open Omni Remover on your Mac.

  2. Step 2:

    In Omni Remover > App Uninstall > Click Symantec Endpoint Protection > Clean Uninstall.

  3. Step 3:

    Then Omni Remover will start scanning all Symantec Endpoint Protection data/files > After it finished scanning, click Clean Uninstall to start uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection from your Mac.

Sophos Uninstall Script

Can you uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection from your Mac with our suggestions above? If you have any questions, feel free to leave a message in comment. One more thing, apart from the ability of uninstalling your unwanted apps (like Symantec Endpoint Protection) to reclaim more free storage on your Mac, Omni Remover is also capable of managing the plugins and extentions on your Mac. Free Download now to have a try.

Omni Remover

Uninstall Sophos Endpoint App Mac Os X 10 13 Download

Requirements: OS X 10.8+ , 33.1Mb free space
Version 3.3.5 (February 2, 2020) / Support macOS Catalina
Category: Mac Uninstaller